Parotidectomy Mini-Incision™

The Osborne Incision™

The Osborne Incision™ is a parotidectomy mini-incision to remove a parotid tumor with a small incision, allowing patients to recover more quickly.

The Osborne Incision: Smaller Incision, Faster Recovery.

Why does a parotid incision need to be so large? 
Conclusion: It doesn’t

The facial nerve is only a few millimeters wide and is the most important structure to identify when performing parotid surgery. Incisions that extend up to the hair line and far down into the neck do nothing to improve exposure of the nerve. Long incisions simply add increased swelling, cause slower healing, and increase the risk of scarring. We perform a safer surgery through a smaller incision. There is no substitute for experience. We simply do more surgeries than the rest.

Left: One week after Osborne Incision™
Right: One year after Osborne Incision™

My doctor told me a smaller incision increases recurrence is this true?

No. The only risk for increased recurrence is doing a smaller operation called an enucleation. These operations remove only the tumor and do not remove the superficial parotid gland. The tumor is essentially cored out potentially leaving unseen microscopic tumor particles behind in the surrounding superficial parotid gland. Throughout the history of parotid surgery, enucleation has been thought to be associated with increased rates of recurrence of parotid tumors. We do not perform enucleation.

We perform a superficial parotidectomy through a smaller incision.

Why does every other surgeon make a large incision?

Inexperience. The average surgeon performs 0-4 parotid surgeries a year. We perform 3-4 surgeries a week. The facial nerve is located using anatomical landmarks in the neck and face. The less experience a surgeon has the more landmarks they need which means a bigger incision.

Isn’t the facelift incision a smaller incision than the standard incision?

No. It is potentially longer. All other surgeons use a longer incision.

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Parotidectomy Mini Incision Patient Success Stories

parotidectomy mini incision
“I spent months researching and consulting with several doctors recommended through my insurance company regarding removal of my parotid tumor. I was shocked to hear the flip attitude they all had towards the outcome of the surgery. I was told that I could wear my hair differently to cover up the long scar and that I would have an indentation in the side of my face afterwards. I was also told to wear deodorant on my face for Frey’s Syndrome plus many other comments.

It was during the research I discovered OHNI (Osborne Head & Neck Institute) on line and had the privilege of meeting them in person in Orlando, Fl. It was well worth the three hour drive. Right away I felt a sense of genuine concern for the outcome of the surgery and that I wasn’t just the next patient, but that I was very special and they wanted the best for me. They had the experience necessary to ensure an optimal outcome performing more parotid surgeries than any of the surgeons I’d already interviewed combined!

They also provided the facial cosmetic surgery to prevent any asymmetry in the face. In addition, I was a prime candidate for the mini-lobular incision which they specialize in thus eliminating the standard 7 ” long scar that I was told I would need. I knew at that time, I wanted to go to Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton for the procedure.

Noelia, the patient care coordinator, was helpful throughout the entire process, from the beginning and even weeks after the procedure when I still had questions. She never tired of my surmountable emails with questions and concerns. She was always there for me and even returned emails on weekends!! She was awesome.

After the surgery I was thrilled that I had all my facial muscles working and nerves intact and the cosmetic outcome allowed me to look the same on both sides of my face. I’m just 6 weeks post op today, and I know there is additional internal healing taking place, but I am ecstatic and so pleased with the results.

I highly recommend OHNI to perform your salivary gland tumor removal, do not research any more.

Thank you”
“My experience was amazing. I look and feel better than before. This all started with calcification in my parotid gland, which affected surrounding areas causing chronic infections. I was taking long term antibiotics.

I was seeing an ENT doctor for 3 years intermittently and he said he would not operate on a gland so sensitive to the facial nerves and I am absolutely glad he didn’t. The infection stopped for 2 years and then the infection reoccurred and the calcification bigger.

I did my research online and found to find Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton. I have run into a couple people that have had the parotid surgery by other surgeons and these people have encountered strange problems; sweating in the back of the neck, unsightly scars, and random numbness. A couple doctors said yes, but have only performed 1-2 parotid surgeries a year as compared to Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton performing this exceptional surgery 3-4 times a week.

Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton are amazing, the two of them side by side; one stopped me from being paralyzed and the other did the cosmetic reconstruction. After the surgery, I have perfect salivation and no paralysis. I did have numbness to right ear for1-2 months, that has since decreased and is minimal and getting better. My scar behind my ear is almost impossible to see, both sides of my face match perfectly, as the incision has healed.

Now I live a life with less fear, no antibiotics, it’s unsightly. I’m done with infection and got my life back. Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton worked with me on the financial end as well. I would definitely be interested in talking with anyone researching this surgery, anyone interested in speaking with someone that is going through something similar signs, symptoms, questions and/or concerns.”
parotidectomy mini incision
“I was diagnosed with a parotid gland tumor in Santa Barbara, CA. After being told I’d need surgery involving a very large incision around my ear and down my jaw line. “No one does it differently than this”. Given the substantial risks for facial paralysis with this surgery, I decided to search the web for alternatives. The first site to pop up was the Osborne Institute.

From the first image of Dr. Osborne welcoming me to the site, to the simple explications and graphic examples of the very unique minimal incision technique they’ve developed, to the fact that they specialize in this surgery and do many of them compared to other doctors, I was sold. From the initial consultation through the surgery prep, surgery and post op check the way a whole team involved.

I’ve never been attended to by so many personable, easy going and competent doctors. They spend lots of time with, aren’t rushed to see their next patient. If you are facing this kind of sensitive surgery, you can feel comfortable putting yourself in their care.”
parotidectomy mini incision
“When presented with the options for removal of my parotid tumor none seemed to have the right surgical approach. For 10 years I worked on a “new” minimally invasive technique with surgeons and neurosurgeons, which lead me to believe the same option must exist for the parotid tumor removal. I couldn’t find it on the east coast but did find it on the west coast with Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton. My consultation with each surgeon was generous in time explaining and answered questions. The staff worked with me via emails and phone, they also worked well with insurance companies and try to save you money.

In recovery I woke up alert and happy, took a self-portrait photo and texted my daughter. The surgery went very well, my CT didn’t look the same as the actual tumor, and this raised the complexity of my care. If I had this done on the east coast I would have facial paralysis. Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton ensured this did not happen, my follow up was excellent. The staff and anesthesia called to check in after surgery. I felt great, I was able to eat and sleep with no discomfort. Thank you Dr. Osborne and his staff for an excellent job.”
parotidectomy mini incision
“I cannot express my gratitude enough for the excellent job Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton and their staff did on my parotid gland tumor. I was diagnosed with it seven years ago and spent the last 7 years interviewing ENT’s and searching for someone who had a less invasive way of removing it and a way to monitor my nerves during surgery and a plastic surgeon to open and close the site.

These doctors have exceeded all my expectations on every front. I was very relieved after our initial visit, the surgery went off without a hitch and the recovery has been easy. I highly recommend these doctors for anyone with parotid gland issues. They are light years ahead of anyone else in their specialty! We really appreciate everything they have done for us. Thank you so much.”
parotidectomy mini incision
“After determining I had a benign parotid tumor and the possible side effects from surgery, I meet with Dr Osborne and Dr Hamilton in NYC after finding OHNI online.

They explained how they approach the tumor removal and how important protecting my facial nerve was, with a better understanding of the process I scheduled surgery to fly out to Los Angeles.

Scheduling, forms, pre op to post op appointments went smoothly. Surgery it self went extremely quick and everyone was pleasant, helpful and caring. Thank you OHNI.”
parotidectomy mini incision
“The reason we flew from Canada for my surgery with Dr. Osborne was because nobody else in Canada could the same (very complicated) surgery avoiding a huge scar and possible damage to the facial nerve. I was nervous, especially after my head and neck doctor doubted the possibility of the success in this surgery and prepared me for all possible complications. I have to say the moment we, my husband and I met Dr. Osborne we had complete trust in him.

I remember every word he told us during the consultation, he took his time to answer all of our questions and tried to make me feel better. I am now 3 days post op and feel very well. My scar is minimal and probably won’t be visible soon. There was no damage to my facial nerve; I am very happy and pleased with my results. Dr. Hamilton is a plastic doctor who made sure that my face looked even better after surgery. He is an amazing Doctor. We (my family) are very thankful to Dr. Osborne, Dr. Hamilton, and the entire staff at the office for such an excellent care.

Everybody was very caring and very supportive. Thank you To Noelia who coordinated my life and answered all my questions with patience. I can’t believe that it’s over and I can continue with my life. These people are amazing they are doing such a great job! They are the best of the best! I have no doubt into recommending Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton to anybody.

I wish people around the globe could have the experience that I had; these Doctors are well knowledge, caring, and treated me like a person. I feel privileged to have had amazing Doctors. Thank you!!!!”
parotidectomy mini incision
“In June 2011, I was referred for a consultation to the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist for a suspected parotid tumor. As with most university affiliated health care systems, I was first examined by a resident first who asked me some screening questions for about 10 minutes and then by the professor-practitioner attending physician who examined me for another 10 minutes. Based on this combined 20 minute evaluation-consultation, the attending recommended that I be hospitalized for 1-2 days and undergo a radical parotidectomy that would take 5-6 hours to perform via a six inch or longer incision from the top of the ear down to the middle of my neck. Neither a CAT scan or an MRI nor a biopsy of the mass prior to surgery was recommended as “it would not change our treatment recommendation”. When I informed my son and daughter-in-law of the recommendation based on the initial evaluation, they insisted I secure a second opinion from the Osborne Head and Neck Institute (OHNI) when my daughter-in laws cousin is a practicing ENT physician. After reviewing the information on the OHNI website I agreed to secure a second opinion.

Before even being seen by Dr. Osborne I was sent for an MRI to assess the extent and location of the parotid mass. Taking the MRI results with me, Dr. Osborne met with my wife and I for at least an hour reviewing the images and fully explained his recommended outpatient surgical intervention based on the MRI results. Dr. Hamilton then met with us and fully explained his surgical approach to minimize any scaring from the surgery. Dr. Osborne then sent us directly for a biopsy within an hour of reviewing the MRI results based on the rationale that we should both be fully informed of whether or not the mass may be cancerous prior to the surgery so that we could consider our treatment options before undergoing the parotidectomy. Dr. Osborne then called us with the biopsy results the day he received them.

By choosing to have the surgery completed by Drs. Osborne and Hamilton, the surgery was successfully completed on an outpatient basis (not inpatient), took only three hours (not six), was performed by fully trained ENT specialists (not residents in training), only the mass was removed (not my entire parotid gland) and the surgical incision limited to length of my ear (not down my neck). My wife and I are extremely impressed with the outcome of the surgery and the professionalism and personal concern of everyone associated with OHNI, especially Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton. The evening of the surgery I received follow-up calls from Dr. Osborne and his staff and upon our return home, we even had a personalized card from both Dr. Osborne and Hamilton telling us what an honor it was for them to have me as a patient.”

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